Sunday, December 23, 2012

NYC Christmas Day 1 - Hipstamatic Fantastic

nyc packing

Yay packing.


Hot apple cider, sweet nectar of the gods.


Standard New York.


Meet my sister :)

Nothing like snapping fun pics with your iPhone and the Hipstamatic app. Here are some highlights of my first day of two in the city. Actually, the best part was when I went to the Harry Potter exhibition but unfortunately, picture-taking of any kind was as forbidden as the Forbidden Forest there (lol). I was sadly unable to document any cloaks, wands, spell books, or broom sticks. You'll just have to take my word for it -- t'was magical. The only thing annoyingly muggle-like about my Harry Potter experience was the obnoxiously irritating crowd of girls, my age, that were in front of us. People gain so much previously nonexistent confidence when they join their group, particularly high school students, and it drives me insane. But anyway, New York City has not disappointed.

Up next... Window displays! Shopping! Yes!


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